Christmas Gift Ideas: Laid Back Lullabies CD by Sarah Ffelan
I met Sarah Ffelan on Twitter and was intrigued when she asked if anyone wanted to review her CD of Laid Back Lullabies. As Little Miss is still very small I thought it would be great to take her up on it and see what my two children made of it. Music for children can be tricky so I was hoping for an improvement on some of the CDs that Bud has taken to his heart recently!
Track Listing:
1. Rock a Bye Baby
2. Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
3. Lavender's Blue
4. I Can Sing a Rainbow
5. Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary
6. Sing a Song of Sixpence
7. Hey Diddle Diddle
8. Hickory Dickory Dock
When the CD arrived it sat on the side for a couple of days until Bud was having a particularly manic afternoon and was overtired. He needed a nap. My eye fell on the CD and I thought we may as well give it a go. We put the CD on and he sat beside me while it played. He loved that he recognised all the songs and knew the words but was also amused by them being a bit different to the way he is used to singing them. He did eventually fall asleep, I'm not sure if that was down to the CD or the quiet time but, really, the two went hand in hand and the CD was a valuable calming tool. The baby slept through the whole thing!
Sarah Ffelan has a beautiful voice and this combined with a modern arrangement of these traditional children's songs is a winning combination. We've played it a few times since that first airing and it is fast becoming one of Bud's favourites. Sarah is a mum of three and you can really tell that she understands how to calm children. Her little ones must get the best lullabies! I think this CD would make a lovely, different gift for any new parent or small child. It it is far superior to the saccharine-sweet nursery rhyme CDs around, with the added bonus that it may help your children to drop off to sleep too! It might even help you sleep too.
You can buy Laid Back Lullabies on MP3 on iTunes and Amazon
I received this CD free of charge but,a s always, the opinions in this review are honest and unbiased.