What's Happened? What's Happening? - Half Term Fun
So half term in full swing and I''m sure many of you have been out and about having fun with your families. Ours has been relatively quiet although we did enjoy a fantastic hour or so at the Lowry Theatre on Tuesday.We had some lovely family fun days linked up with #WHWH last week. I'm so pleased Nottingham Comic Convention was a success as one of the organisers is a great blogging friend. Mummy of Two's Little Mr A looks like he had the time of his life! I love the photo of him with Yoda and the Speeder Bike.
Shannonagains is a real #WHWH regular and I always enjoy her posts. She manages to find some really quirky exhibitions and events in London to write about and I'm always keen to read. Fields of Battle, Lands of Peace is a fascinating, free street art gallery in St James' Park which explores the battlefields of the First World War and there modern day appearance. Definitely worth checking out if you have a free hour or two in London.
What have you been up to? What are you planning?
I'd love you to link up your blog posts to What's Happened? - featuring events, days out, holidays, film, theatre and restaurant reviews and any other 'happeneds'. What's Happening? is the place for you to link your event previews, holiday or days out plans, ongoing events and ticket giveaways.
I read and comment on every one and share on Twitter, Facebook. Google+, Pinterest and StumbleUpon.
I've created a Pinterest board where I pin all of your posts, feel free to follow it.
As always, I would love it if you would add the linky badge to your post to direct your readers here