Potty Training and My Carry Potty (A Review)
Potty training has been something of a swear word in this house for quite some time and I'm really getting fed up of people asking me when Bud will be dry. I'm keen to get there, of course, but I've recently witnessed another little boy similar in age to Bud being 'trained' which seemed to consist of a slow painful process taking weeks and weeks, simply because he wasn't ready in the first place.We've had the underpants and potty in place for months. I've bought books to read about going on the potty or on the toilet and we've been reading them incessantly. Nothing. He just wouldn't entertain the idea. We've even suggested that only babies, like his young cousin and Little Miss wear nappies but he's been quite happy to be included in their number rather than the ranks of 'big boys' like his older cousins.
I was offered My Carry Potty to review in my role as a blogger at Direct 2 Mum some time ago and I've been hoping that Bud would be ready so I can review it properly. Well, we're finally getting there and this potty has really helped. My Carry Potty was invented by a mum who had seen the isssues of potty training whilst out and about and wanted to create a simple way of training on the go.
Bud is the kind of child who needs to make his own mind up about something but, when he does, we usually never look back. After several attempts with the basic IKEA potty I decided to get out My Carry Potty and see if a more interesting seat would engage him. He was really fascinated by it. This potty works straight out of the box and requires no assembly and he was really impressed that it was a bit like a suitcase. Sadly, when he tried to put some toys in it and carry it around it wouldn't close as the two halves are designed to fit snugly together to seal any 'deposits' within. He really enjoyed carrying it around though!
Bud will sit quite happily on the potty and, the other day, he even managed a tiny wee on it! It seems very comfortable for your little one to sit on. We may be getting there with the training yet and I'll be sure to do a follow up post when we actually get there. When I closed the potty after the wee I can confirm that the potty sealed all the liquid inside, no matter how much it was waved about and which way up it was held.
We're really pleased with My Carry Potty and I think we will get a lot of use from it over the next few months. I especially like that it is all contained within the sealed box so you don't have to worry about having a plastic potty in a carrier bag which is potentially messy and unhygienice.
The My Carry Potty website has lots of really useful information of potty training and is well worth looking at. You can buy My Carry Potty on the high street in John Lewis and online at a variety of stockists including
AmazonWe were sent this product for the purpose of this review, all opinions are honest and unbiased. A version of this review also appears on my page at Direct 2 Mum.