Eat Fresh in Fresh Week

As mentioned in a previous post, I am very happy to be a member of the Tefal Innovation Panel and will be working with Tefal over the coming year to bring you posts about their great product range.
Tefal Fresh Week
When we attended the event in Windsor in April we were introduced to the idea of 'Fresh Week'. This is a campaign launched by Tefal aiming to encourage people to pledge to ditch the processed food in favour of homemade food, cooked from scratch. Fresh Week runs from May 13th-19th and Tefal would like families to sign up and take the pledge. Everyone doing so has the chance to win their own Fresh Express and a Riverford Organics Veg Box which will help the winning famiies to feed fresh food to their families quickly and easily.

Make Your Tefal Fresh Week Pledge

We've taken the pledge and have been supplied with these same tools to help us out. Cooking from scratch is something that I love to do but I do fall into the trap of just grabbing something from the freezer on busy days in the mistaken belief that I don't have the time to cook properly. Bud's diet, especially, is quite limited at the moment and I'm keen to expand the dishes that he will eat and get him to try a wider range of foods. I'm going to use Fresh Week as a concerted effort to leave the fish fingers in the freezer and try tempting my boy with some lovely ingredients instead. I'm also going to be putting the baby food pouches back into the cupboard and only cooking fresh for Little Miss too. The pouches are incredibly convenient but we don't have a busy week planned next week so she will definitely be sharing in Fresh Week. 

Tefal have supplied me with my own Fresh Express Max and I'm really amazed how much preparation time has reduced from using this terrific gadget. The Fresh Express sits on the counter in my kitchen and, since it arrived, I have used it at least once (but usually five or six times) every day. From grating cheese to dicing onion, to grating chocolate, the Fresh Express Max has really helped. I always hate standing over a chopping board crying as I'm very sensitive to onions. What used to take me up to 10 minutes now takes me less than a minute and the resulting diced onion is way finer than I can manage with my blunt old knives. I'll be posting an in depth review of the Fresh Express with a video to show you just how well it works soon. 

I'm really looking forward to participating in Fresh Week and I'll be sharing our menu for next week. I'm going to avoid all those cardboard boxes in the freezer and trying out some new recipes so we can expand on the usual favourites that we cook most weeks. 

Whether or not you are taking the pledge, keep an eye on Tefal's Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest profiles to see other ways to get involved with Fresh Week

Disclaimer: I was provided with a Fresh Express Max and Riverford Organics Veg Box to support my pledge to participate in Fresh Week. All thoughts and opinions are my own.