Brand New DryFit Nappies from Chicco
Chicco are one of the biggest nursery product companies around, selling everything from pushchairs through to baby toys but today will see them launch a brand new, and somewhat surprising product - to me anyway - nappies! When they got in touch to offer Little E the chance to try out their new range we were pleased to accept and see just what Chicco were offering.Newborn nappies have a lot to stand up to. They need to be comfortable on tiny bottoms but absorbent of those lovely newborn poos too! It's so easy for a little one's skin to be irritated and, whilst Little E hasn't suffered yet, prevention is always better than a cure and good nappies are all part of caring for your baby's skin. It's also important that they don't irritate the sensitive cord area as it heals.
Chicco are partnering with Boots to sell their nappies exclusively and the new DryFit range will be available in over 1200 stores nationwide from today, 15th June. Nappies will be available in sizes one to five. Size one, which we have been trying out with Little E, are especially designed for newborns, while sizes two to five are designed in line with baby's growth stages.
We received two packs of size one nappies to try out with Little E and I was genuinely impressed by their quality. We got off to a shaky start as the very first nappy we tried leaked but this was down to the rather explosive nature of the contents, rather than the nappy. I think any nappy would have struggled to contain it! Two packs later we haven't experienced any further leakages and Little E has been comfortable wearing the nappies. Little E seems to be like his big Brother and Sister and some of his nappies have been very wet, it's reassuring that his skin feels dry even with a heavily wet nappy and there's no smell of urine like I've found in other nappy brands.

Chicco nappies are available exclusively from Boots stores and, priced at £4:49 for Size 1 nappies (27 nappies) and £7:99 for Sizes 2 to 5 (50 to 34 nappies). From 24th June they will be available at two for the price of one, so a great opportunity to stock up!